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Vivere Badalucco
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Badalucco in English
Badalucco in English
Badalucco in English
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Badalucco presents itself as a jewel mounted on the rock face of “S. Nicolò” which descends towards the river and extends itself to the north of both banks.
179 metres above sea level – 1422 inhabitants
Hamlets: Argallo, Ciabaudo, Zerni
Artefacts discovered in the “Tana di Bertrand” are proof that the history of the village of Badalucco dates back to the Bronze Age (Neolithic Age: 2500- 1800 B.C.)
The architecture and imagery of the village bring us on a journey, starting with the medieval age to the Baroque, from the 1800s right up to today. The history of this beautiful village is found by exploring its narrow streets, as its story is written in the stone; of which it is constructed. The buildings of the past help to, remember and corroborate the civic and cultural identity of the community; while the new, help to create a link between the history and the creativity of the village. Badalucco deserves to be visited as a prime example of an ancient village of inland Liguria, which is cherished for its hidden gems of art and architecture; such as: Il Ponte di Santa Lucia.
Baccelli in an article for the “Corriere della Sera” wrote:
“Dal sommo dell’arcata si coglie una bella e singolare veritá di luce e di suono, dal torrente il silenziodell’acqua vi scorre unita, in un luminoso e cieco specchio e nitore di liscia corrente. Su quell’arco di pietra si manifestano, a chi li sappia cogliere, due volti di una comunitá di una regione, di una cultura. La montagna e il mare, il bosco e il sole, la solitudine introversa e la socialitá operosa”
In this extract the journalist describes the view and feeling you attain when on the arc of Il Ponte di Santa Lucia, where you can hear the river flowing past, yet still hear the silence of the ancient rural village setting.
The pride and joy of Badalucco is its Extra Virgin Olive oil and the famous “Fagiolo di Badalucco”, a small white bean. Most of the land surrounding Badalucco is made up of towering olive trees. The work and effort of the farmers and oil pressers in growing, cultivating and making of the olive oil guarantees, thanks to the unique CULTIVAR TAGGIASCA, an abundant production. The oil, low in acidity, obtains different characteristics depending on its provenance but still maintains its sweet and delicate aroma with enticing hints of almond and pine nuts.
“Il Fagiolo di Badalucco” in the local dialect also known as “Rundin” has been recognised as a Presidium of the Slow Food association; these small, white beans are a delight on the palate; as they are soft and fleshy but still delicate.
In Badalucco, Piazza Duomo 1, in the local romantic setting of “Palazzo Municipale” you can find B.A.G (BADALUCCO ART GALLERY) where all year around it holds prestigious art expeditions, performances, events and pottery courses organised by “Associazione ARTEMENTE”. The administration of both expeditions and pottery courses is managed by Christiane Hensel-Emanuelli and Anneli Henrich. In the workshop you can obverse the artists at work, using different techniques such as: colombino (coiling technique), cotture del bucchero (ancient etrusca technique) and Raku (an ancient Japanese technique). In the past artists connected to the Albissola, Vallauris (France), Umbria and Faenza took part in events organised by B.A.G. artists such as : sottasass, Salino, Cerchi, Jorn, Angenore, Fabbri, Carlos Carl?, Mariano, Morigi, Langhi, Denicolò, Bovina, Pastore and many more have exposed their work in the Badalucco Art Gallery.
- 17th of January: Chiesa di S. Nicolò (church of S. Nicolò) – serving of chestnuts.
- 23rd of April: S. Giorgio – Patron saint of Badalucco
- Easter Sunday: “SCOTEZZO”: An original and traditional race, were the winner is the competitor with the strongest egg. The competitors must gently strike their eggs against the egg of their opponent, in the end the winner is the person who manages to keep their egg shell intact.
- 5th of August: Pilgrimage to Santuario Nosta Signora della Neve, Mount Carmo 780m. above sea level – Traditionally a packed lunch is brought.
- 3rd Sunday of September: Sagra du Stoccafissu a Baucogna - Stockfish Festival
- 24th of December, Christmas Eve: Midnight Mass – at the end of the mass all in attendance are served hot chocolate and nougat.
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